
Tired of being told to find your village?
Us too.

Tired of being told to find your village?
Us too.

The Honeycomb app:

how parents team up to save time and reclaim joy.

Get Honeycomb

Overwhelmed by dates and to-dos from your kid’s school or club? Wish there was a way to tame the never-ending chaos of parenting logistics? We got you.

Honeycomb is a parent collaboration app that takes work off your plate through an AI-powered smart calendar and easy collaboration tools. Use Honeycomb to team up with your school or club parent community and conquer day-to-day logistics, together.

Get Honeycomb

Overwhelmed by emails from your school or club? Get help from Honeycomb’s AI assistant. Learn more here.

Reduce your parent workload: let Honeycomb handle all your school and club emails.

Overwhelmed by frequent emails chock-full of events, deadlines and to-dos? Let our AI assistant extract dates and details from school or club emails, and get them onto your calendar in seconds. Learn more here.

Honeycomb’s smart calendar also has chat built right in.

Imagine: an always up-to-date smart calendar, that makes it easier to share parenting logistics with other families.

Build your parent team in weeks, not years.

Put faces to names and find families to join forces with.

Overwhelmed by dates and to-dos from your kid’s school or club? Wish there was a way to tame the never-ending chaos of parenting logistics? We got you.

Honeycomb is a parent collaboration app that takes work off your plate through smart collaboration tools. Use Honeycomb to team up with your school or club community to conquer day-to-day parenting logistics, together.

Put an end to chaotic class text threads blowing up your phone.

Honeycomb’s topic-based threads maximize parent coordination while minimizing noise.

No more overwhelming mega chat threads peppered with unknown numbers and buried to dos!

Yes it’s another app, but it’s the one you deserve.

Most school apps are built to meet administration needs, not parents' needs –– and it shows! They don't allow parents to connect, and certainly don’t lighten your parenting workload.

Honeycomb works seamlessly alongside your existing school or sports app. Honeycomb can even integrate with them (via email or calendars) to help lower the workload they put on you.

“Honeycomb has completely transformed my school experience. We went from being strangers passing in the hallway, to a real community who has each other’s backs.”

–– Betsy, mom to Will

“Honeycomb has brought out the best in our parent community. From sharing advice and resources, to handling parenting challenges, to getting together in real life, Honeycomb is our connective tissue.”

–– Garrett Wilhelm, CEO of Creative Gardens / founder of Ohana School

“Honeycomb was a breath of fresh air. We’re giving the community what they wanted, which was a new way to connect and parent together –– not just a communication channel.”

––Tara Jaramillo, head of St. Charles elementary school PAC

Got questions?

How is Honeycomb different from WhatsApp or group text messaging? How do we handle privacy?

We’ve got answers!

Ready to go?

Refer us to your preschool director, PTA lead or elementary school principal. You can start with just one classroom, or the entire school.

Already have parents’ contact info? Start a group yourself.

Honeycomb is for preschool through elementary school communities